Get Page Information
This demo shows you how to get information (such as size, boundary boxes and rotation) about all pages in a PDF document.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; $files = [ $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/camtown/Terms-and-Conditions.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/etown/Laboratory-Report.pdf', ]; $path = displayFiles($files); // create a document instance $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path); // get the pages helper $pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages(); // iterate through the document page by page and get some properties for ($pageNo = 1, $pageCount = $pages->count(); $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) { echo 'Page No.: ' . $pageNo . '<br >'; // get the page object $page = $pages->getPage($pageNo); // print all page boundaries foreach (\SetaPDF_Core_PageBoundaries::$all AS $boxName) { $box = $page->getBoundary($boxName); echo $boxName; vprintf(' = [llx: %.3F, lly: %.3F, urx: %.3F, ury: %.3F]<br />', $box->toPhp()); } // Width and height: list($width, $height) = $page->getWidthAndHeight(); echo 'Width: ' . $width . ' pt<br />'; echo 'Height: ' . $height . ' pt<br />'; // print the page rotation value echo 'Rotation: ' . $page->getRotation() . '<br />'; echo '<br /><br />'; }