Create Links in Table Of Contents
This demo parses a table of contents of an existing PDF document and adds links to its entries.
The TOC is on page 2 of the example document.
After processing the example document with this script, the TOC entries are clickable links to their target pages.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename( $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide-without-links.pdf', new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('document.pdf', true) ); $extractor = new \SetaPDF_Extractor($document); $strategy = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Strategy_Word(); $extractor->setStrategy($strategy); $lines = []; $tocStartPage = 2; $tocEndPage = 2; $offset = 2; $pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages(); for ($pageNo = $tocStartPage; $pageNo <= $tocEndPage; $pageNo++) { /** * @var \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Word[] $words */ $words = $extractor->getResultByPageNumber($pageNo); /** * @var $lines \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Collection[][] */ $lines[$pageNo] = []; $line = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Collection(); /** * @var \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Word $prevWord */ $prevWord = null; foreach ($words AS $word) { if ($prevWord) { $prevBounds = $prevWord->getBounds(); $bounds = $word->getBounds(); $prevY = $prevBounds[0]->getLl()->getY(); $y = $bounds[0]->getLl()->getY(); // group by lines if (abs($prevY - $y) > 4) { $lines[$pageNo][] = $line; $line = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Collection(); } } $line[] = $word; $prevWord = $word; } if (count($line) > 0) { $lines[$pageNo][] = $line; $line = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Collection(); } $annotations = $pages->getPage($pageNo)->getAnnotations(); foreach ($lines[$pageNo] AS $i => $line) { // reconstruct line text and get max/min bounds $lineText = ''; $llx = $lly = $urx = $ury = null; foreach ($line as $word) { $lineText .= $word->getString() . ' '; } $lineText = trim($lineText); // extract target page number if (!preg_match("/(\d+)$/u", $lineText, $m)) { continue; } $linkToPageNo = $m[1]; $action = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Action_GoTo( \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Destination::createByPage($pages->getPage($linkToPageNo + $offset)) ); $bounds = $line->getBounds(); $ll = $bounds[0]->getLl(); $ur = $bounds[0]->getUr(); $annotation = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Link( [$ll->getX(), $ll->getY(), $ur->getX(), $ur->getY()], $action ); $annotations->add($annotation); } } $document->save()->finish();