Create Link Annotations
This demo shows you how you can add real clickable link annotations on URLs and e-mail addresses in PDF documents.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; $files = [ $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/Letterhead.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/lenstown/Laboratory-Report.pdf' ]; $file = displayFiles($files); $writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('with-links.pdf', true); $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($file, $writer); $pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages(); // initiate an extractor instance $extractor = new \SetaPDF_Extractor($document); // define the word strategy and $strategy = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Strategy_Word(); // set the detail level $strategy->setDetailLevel(\SetaPDF_Extractor_Strategy_Word::DETAIL_LEVEL_GLYPHS); // ...pass it to the extractor instance $extractor->setStrategy($strategy); // get access to the sorter instance of the strategy $sorter = $strategy->getSorter(); /** * Proxy method to itemsJoining() method of the sorter class. * * @param \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_WordWithGlyphs $left * @param \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_WordWithGlyphs $right * @return bool */ $wordsJoining = function( \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_WordWithGlyphs $left, \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_WordWithGlyphs $right ) use ($sorter) { return $sorter->itemsJoining( $left->getGlyphs()[count($left->getGlyphs()) - 1], $right->getGlyphs()[0] ); }; for ($pageNo = 1; $pageNo <= $pages->count(); $pageNo++) { /** * @var \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Word $words[] */ $words = $extractor->getResultByPageNumber($pageNo); // get access to the page annotations $annotations = $pages->getPage($pageNo)->getAnnotations(); // let's try to find the links /** * @var \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_WordWithGlyphs[] $words */ for ($i = 0, $wordCount = count($words); $i < $wordCount; $i++) { $word = $words[$i]; switch (strtolower($word->getString())) { case 'www': case 'http': case 'https': case 'ftp': case 'sftp': $linkItems = [$words[$i]]; while (isset($words[$i + 1]) && $wordsJoining($words[$i], $words[$i + 1])) { $linkItems[] = $words[++$i]; } // if the link ends with a dot or a comma, left it... $lastItemString = $linkItems[count($linkItems) - 1]->getString(); if (strlen($lastItemString) === 1 && strspn($lastItemString, ',.') === 1) { array_pop($linkItems); } // get the final link target and do some checks... $link = implode('', $linkItems); if ($link === 'www' || $link === 'http') { break; } $url = parse_url($link); if ($url === false) { break; } /** @var array $url */ if (!isset($url['scheme'])) { $link = 'http://' . $link; } $link = filter_var($link, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); if ($link === false) { break; } // we have a link, now get the bounds of it and... $linkItems = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Collection($linkItems); $bounds = $linkItems->getBounds(); $ll = $bounds[0]->getLl(); $ur = $bounds[0]->getUr(); // ...add a link annotation $annotation = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Link( [$ll->getX(), $ll->getY(), $ur->getX(), $ur->getY()], $link ); // add a border, to show the link $annotation->setColor([1, 0, 0]); $annotation->getBorderStyle() ->setWidth(1) ->setStyle(\SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_BorderStyle::DASHED) ->setDashPattern([2, 2]); $annotations->add($annotation); break; // check for an email case '@': $emailItems = []; // get the left part before the @-sign $a = $i; while (isset($words[$a - 1]) && $wordsJoining($words[$a - 1], $words[$a])) { $emailItems[] = $words[--$a]; } // re-order $emailItems = array_reverse($emailItems); $emailItems[] = $words[$i]; // get the right part after the @-sign while (isset($words[$i + 1]) && $wordsJoining($words[$i], $words[$i + 1])) { $emailItems[] = $words[++$i]; } // if the email address ends with a dot or a comma, left it... $lastItemString = $emailItems[count($emailItems) - 1]->getString(); if (strlen($lastItemString) === 1 && strspn($lastItemString, ',.') === 1) { array_pop($emailItems); } // get the final email and do some checks... $email = implode('', $emailItems); $email = filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if ($email === false) { break; } // we have a valid email address, so get the bounds and... $emailItems = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Result_Collection($emailItems); $bounds = $emailItems->getBounds(); $ll = $bounds[0]->getLl(); $ur = $bounds[0]->getUr(); // ...add a link annotation $annotation = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Link( [$ll->getX(), $ll->getY(), $ur->getX(), $ur->getY()], 'mailto:' . $email ); // add a border, to show the link $annotation->setColor([0, 1, 0]); $annotation->getBorderStyle() ->setWidth(1) ->setStyle(\SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_BorderStyle::DASHED) ->setDashPattern([2, 2]); $annotations->add($annotation); break; } } } // save and finish $document->save()->finish();