Check for Encryption
Checks wether a document is encrypted and what permissions are granted.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once '../../../../../bootstrap.php'; $files = [ $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide-Encrypted (owner-pw setasign).pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/Laboratory-Report-up=topsecret,op=owner.pdf' ]; $path = displayFiles($files); $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path); if (!$document->hasSecHandler()) { echo 'Document is not encrypted.'; return; } $data = []; $secHandler = $document->getSecHandler(); if ($secHandler instanceof \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler_PublicKey) { $data['Security Method'] = 'Public Key Security'; } elseif ($secHandler instanceof \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler_Standard) { $data['Security Method'] = 'Password Security'; $data['Document Open Password'] = ($secHandler->auth() ? 'No' : 'Yes'); $data['Permissions Password'] = ($secHandler->getAuthMode() === \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::OWNER ? 'No' : 'Yes'); if (!$secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_PRINT)) { $data['Printing'] = 'No'; } elseif ($secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_DIGITAL_PRINT)) { $data['Printing'] = 'High Resolution'; } else { $data['Printing'] = 'Low Resolution (150 dpi)'; } $modify = $secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_MODIFY); $data['Changing the Document'] = $modify ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; $annot = $secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_ANNOT); $data['Commenting'] = $modify || $annot ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; $data['Form Field Fill-in or Signing'] = ( $modify || $annot || $secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_FILL_FORM) ) ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; $data['Document Assembly'] = ($modify || $secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_ASSEMBLE)) ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; $copy = $secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_COPY); $data['Content Copying'] = $copy ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; $data['Content Accessibility Enabled'] = ($copy || $secHandler->getPermission(\SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_ACCESSIBILITY)) ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; $data['Page Extraction'] = $secHandler->getAuthMode() === \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::OWNER ? 'Allowed' : 'Not Allowed'; list($algorithm, $keyLength) = $secHandler->getStringAlgorithm(); if ($algorithm & \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::ARCFOUR) { $data['Encryption Level'] = ($keyLength * 8) . '-bit RC4'; } elseif ($algorithm & \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::AES) { $data['Encryption Level'] = ($keyLength * 8) . '-bit AES'; } } ?> <table> <?php foreach($data as $label => $value):?> <tr> <td><?=htmlspecialchars($label);?>:</td> <td><?=htmlspecialchars($value);?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach;?> </table>