SetaPDF Demos

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Tagged Stamp

This demo uses a proxy stamp class which will enclose the stamps in marked-content sequences. You can define the tag name, title, actual text, alternate text and the language.

The tags are appended to the root node of the global tag structure.


// load and register the autoload function
use com\setasign\SetaPDF\Demos\Stamper\Stamp\Tagged;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../classes/Stamper/Stamp/Tagged.php';

// create a HTTP writer
$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('tagged.pdf', true);
//$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_File('tagged.pdf');
// let's get the document
$document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename(
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf',

// create a stamper instance
$stamper = new \SetaPDF_Stamper($document);

//--- Create a text stamp and wrap it in a Tagged stamp instance ---//

// create a font instance which is needed for the text stamp instance
$font = new \SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Subset(
    $assetsDirectory . '/fonts/DejaVu/ttf/DejaVuSans.ttf'

// create a stamp instance
$textStamp = new \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_Text($font, 10);
// set a text
$textStamp->setText('Personalized for John Dow (');

// create a Tagged stamp instance and pass the text stamp to it
$stamp = new Tagged($textStamp);
$stamp->setTitle('Personalization information of user');

// add the stamp to the stamper instance
$stamper->addStamp($stamp, [
    'position' => \SetaPDF_Stamper::POSITION_CENTER_TOP,
    'translateX' => 2,
    'translateY' => -2

//--- Create an image stamp and wrap it in a Tagged stamp instance ---//

// get an image instance
$image = \SetaPDF_Core_Image::getByPath($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/Logo.png');
// initiate the image stamp
$imageStamp = new \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_Image($image);
// set height (and width until no setWidth is set the ratio will retain)

// create a Tagged stamp instance and pass the image stamp to it
$stamp = new Tagged($imageStamp);
$stamp->setAlternateText('Logo of "tektown"');

// add the stamp to the stamper instance
$stamper->addStamp($stamp, [
    'showOnPage' => '2-21',
    'position' => \SetaPDF_Stamper::POSITION_CENTER_BOTTOM,
    'translateY' => 10

// execute the stamp process

// save and finish the document instance

namespace com\setasign\SetaPDF\Demos\Stamper\Stamp;

 * Class Tagged
class Tagged extends \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp
     * @var \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp
    protected $_mainStamp;

    protected $_tagName = 'Span';
    protected $_title = '';
    protected $_actualText = '';
    protected $_alternateText = '';
    protected $_language = '';

     * The constructor
     * @param \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp $mainStamp The main stamp instance
    public function __construct(\SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp $mainStamp)
        $this->_mainStamp = $mainStamp;

     * @param string $tagName
    public function setTagName($tagName)
        $this->_tagName = $tagName;

     * @param string $title Title in UTF-8
    public function setTitle($title)
        $this->_title = $title;

     * @param string $actualText Actual text in UTF-8
    public function setActualText($actualText)
        $this->_actualText = $actualText;

     * @param string $alternateText Alternate text in UTF-8
    public function setAlternateText($alternateText)
        $this->_alternateText = $alternateText;

     * @param string $language Language in UTF-8
    public function setLanguage($language)
        $this->_language = $language;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function stamp(\SetaPDF_Core_Document $document, \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page $page, array $stampData)
        $this->_mainStamp->_preStamp($document, $page, $stampData);
        $this->_stamp($document, $page, $stampData);
        $quadPoints = $this->_mainStamp->_postStamp($document, $page, $stampData);

        if ($quadPoints !== null) {
                $document, $page, $stampData, $quadPoints[0], $quadPoints[1], $quadPoints[2], $quadPoints[3]

        return true;

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function _stamp(\SetaPDF_Core_Document $document, \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page $page, array $stampData)

        $structTreeRoot = $document->getCatalog()->getStructTreeRoot();

        $pageDict = $page->getObject()->ensure();
        if (!$pageDict->offsetExists('StructParents')) {
                new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Numeric($structTreeRoot->getAndIncrementParentTreeNextKey())

        $structParentsKey = $pageDict->getValue('StructParents')->getValue();

        /** @var \SetaPDF_Core_DataStructure_NumberTree $parentTree */
        $parentTree = $structTreeRoot->getParentTree(true);
        $elements = $parentTree->get($structParentsKey);
        if ($elements !== false) {
            $elements = $elements->ensure();
        } else {
            $elements = new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Array();
            $parentTree->add($structParentsKey, $document->createNewObject($elements));

        $mcid = count($elements);

        $element = new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary([
            'K' => new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Numeric($mcid),
            'P' => $structTreeRoot->getObject(),
            'Pg' => $page->getObject(),
            'S' => new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Name($this->_tagName, true)

        if ($this->_title !== '') {
            $element->offsetSet('T', new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_String(

        if ($this->_alternateText !== '') {
            $element->offsetSet('Alt', new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_String(

        if ($this->_actualText !== '') {
            $element->offsetSet('ActualText', new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_String(

        if ($this->_language !== '') {
            $element->offsetSet('Lang', new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_String(

        $elementReference = $document->createNewObject($element);

        $elements[] = $elementReference;


        $canvas = $page->getCanvas();

        $properties = new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary([
            'MCID' => new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Numeric($mcid)
        $canvas->markedContent()->begin($this->_tagName, $properties);

        $this->_mainStamp->_stamp($document, $page, $stampData);


        return true;

  /* Proxy all standard methods of the main stamp instance */

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getHeight()
        return $this->_mainStamp->getHeight();

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getWidth()
        return $this->_mainStamp->getWidth();

     * @inheritDoc
    public function setOpacity($alpha, $blendMode = 'Normal')
        $this->_mainStamp->setOpacity($alpha, $blendMode);

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getOpacity()
        return $this->_mainStamp->getOpacity();

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getOpacityBlendMode()
        return $this->_mainStamp->getOpacityBlendMode();

     * @inheritDoc
    public function setVisibility($visibility)

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getVisibility()

     * @inheritDoc
    public function setAction(\SetaPDF_Core_Document_Action $action)

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getAction()
        return $this->_mainStamp->getAction();

     * @inheritDoc
    public function setLink($uri)

     * @inheritDoc
    public function setOptionalContentGroup(\SetaPDF_Core_Document_OptionalContent_Group $optionalContentGroup = null)

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getOptionalContentGroup()
        return $this->_mainStamp->getOptionalContentGroup();

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function _getOpacityGraphicState(\SetaPDF_Core_Document $document, $opacity)
        return $this->_mainStamp->_getOpacityGraphicState($document, $opacity);

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function _getVisibilityGroup(\SetaPDF_Core_Document $document)
        return $this->_mainStamp->_getVisibilityGroup($document);

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function _ensureResources(\SetaPDF_Core_Document $document, \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page $page)
        return $this->_mainStamp->_ensureResources($document, $page);