SetaPDF Demos

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Background / Underlay

Place a stamp as a background to all PDF pages.


// load and register the autoload function
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php';

// create a writer
$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('background.pdf', true);
// get a document instance
$document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename(
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/Laboratory-Report.pdf',

// create a stamper instance
$stamper = new \SetaPDF_Stamper($document);

// initiate the stamp - we use a PDF page as the background
$stamp = new \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_Pdf($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/crumpled-paper.pdf');

// add stamp to the stamper
$stamper->addStamp($stamp, [
    'underlay' => true,
    // we use a callback to adjust the stamp size to the page size
    'callback' => static function(
        \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page $page,
        \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_Pdf $stamp
    ) {
        return true;

// stamp the document

// save and send it to the client