SetaPDF Demos

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Simple Demo

A very simple demo that creates a XObject stamp and adds it to all pages of a document.

The XObject stamp class allows you to create the stamp appearance absolutely individually by access its canvas object.


// load and register the autoload function
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../bootstrap.php';

// create a writer
$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('smile.pdf', true);
// get a document instance
$document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename(
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/lenstown/Laboratory-Report.pdf',

// create a stamper instance
$stamper = new \SetaPDF_Stamper($document);

// create a XObject
$xObject = \SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Form::create($document, array(0, 0, 205, 205));
// get the Canvas
$canvas = $xObject->getCanvas();
// Let's draw a smilie ;-)
    ->rotate(102.5, 102.5, 15)
    ->circle(102.5, 102.5, 100, \SetaPDF_Core_Canvas_Draw::STYLE_DRAW_AND_FILL) // head
    ->circle(60, 120, 15) // left eye
    ->circle(140, 120, 15) // right exe
    ->moveTo(50, 60)
    ->curveTo(60, 20, 145, 20, 155, 60) // mouth

// create the stamp object for the XObject
$xObjectStamp = new \SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_XObject($xObject);

$stamper->addStamp($xObjectStamp, \SetaPDF_Stamper::POSITION_CENTER_MIDDLE);

// stamp the document

// save and send it to the client