Add Metadata Stream to Signature Dictionary
This demo shows how to pass a XMP metadata package to the signature dictionary.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; // to get access to the signature dictionary, we extend the PAdES module class MySignatureModule extends \SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_Pades { /** * @var \SetaPDF_Core_Type_IndirectObjectInterface */ protected $metadata; /** * @param \SetaPDF_Core_Type_IndirectObjectInterface $metadata The indirect object/reference to the metadata stream. */ public function setMetadata(\SetaPDF_Core_Type_IndirectObjectInterface $metadata) { $this->metadata = $metadata; } /** * @param \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary $dictionary * @throws \SetaPDF_Signer_Exception */ public function updateSignatureDictionary(\SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary $dictionary) { parent::updateSignatureDictionary($dictionary); $dictionary->offsetSet('Metadata', $this->metadata); } } $writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('signed.pdf'); $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename( $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/camtown/Laboratory-Report.pdf', $writer ); // create a signer instance $signer = new \SetaPDF_Signer($document); // add a signature field $field = $signer->addSignatureField(); // and define that you want to use this field $signer->setSignatureFieldName($field->getQualifiedName()); $certificatePath = $assetsDirectory . '/certificates/setapdf-no-pw.pem'; // now create an instance of the signature module $module = new MySignatureModule(); // create a metadata object $metadataObject = $document->createNewObject(new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Stream( new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary([ 'Type' => new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Name('Metadata', true), 'Subtype' => new \SetaPDF_Core_Type_Name('XML', true) ]), '<?xpacket begin="' . "\xEF\xBB\xBF" . '" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?>' . "\n" . '<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/"><!-- here goes your XMP package --></x:xmpmeta>' . "\n" . '<?xpacket end="w"?>' )); // and pass a reference to it to the $module->setMetadata($metadataObject); // pass the path to the certificate $module->setCertificate('file://' . $certificatePath); // set the path to the private key (in this demo the key is also saved in the certificate file) $module->setPrivateKey('file://' . $certificatePath, ''); // sign the document with the module $signer->sign($module);