Add VRI to an Existing PDF Document
This demo will add VRI information to an already signed PDF document to gain LTV level.
The document includes a signature including a timestamp. VRI will be resolved and embedded for both.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; // create a HTTP writer $writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('Laboratory-Report-signed-LTV.pdf'); // let's get the document $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename( $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/Laboratory-Report-signed-no-LTV.pdf', $writer ); // define a trust-store $trustedCerts = new \SetaPDF_Signer_X509_Collection(); $trustedCerts->addFromFile($assetsDirectory . '/certificates/trusted/Intesi Group EU Qualified Electronic Signature CA G2.cer'); $fieldName = 'Signature1'; // create a VRI collector instance $collector = new \SetaPDF_Signer_ValidationRelatedInfo_Collector($trustedCerts); // get VRI for the signature try { $vri = $collector->getByFieldName($document, $fieldName); } catch (\SetaPDF_Signer_ValidationRelatedInfo_Exception $e) { echo 'Unable to create VRI data: ' . $e->getMessage(); die(); } // Use this snipped to trace the process of resolving VRI: //foreach ($collector->getLogger()->getLogs() as $log) { // echo str_repeat(' ', $log->getDepth()*4); // echo $log->getMessage().'<br/>'; //} // and add it to the document. $dss = new \SetaPDF_Signer_DocumentSecurityStore($document); $dss->addValidationRelatedInfoByFieldName( $fieldName, $vri->getCrls(), $vri->getOcspResponses(), $vri->getCertificates() ); // this is needed for Adobe Acrobat for some signatures (this one, too) foreach ($vri->getOcspResponses() as $ocspResponse) { $key = $dss->getVriName($ocspResponse); $dss->addValidationRelatedInfo($key, [], [], [], new DateTime()); } // save and finish the final document $document->save()->finish();