Encrypt Resulting PDF
This demo shows you how to encrypt the merged result with a password.
Owner password is the-owner-password
and the user password is the-user-password
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; // simple merge process $merger = new \SetaPDF_Merger(); $merger->addFile($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/eBook-Invoice.pdf'); $merger->addFile($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/Terms-and-Conditions.pdf'); $merger->merge(); $document = $merger->getDocument(); /* define a handler with an owner and a user password, allow print and * copy (for the user - need to be respected by the viewer application) * and do not encrypt metadata. */ $secHandler = \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler_Standard_Aes256::factory( $document, 'the-owner-password', 'the-user-password', \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_PRINT | \SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler::PERM_COPY, false ); // attach the handler to the document instance $document->setSecHandler($secHandler); $document->setWriter(new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('encrypted.pdf', true)); $document->save()->finish();