SetaPDF Demos

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Create a PDF Portfolio with Folders

A PDF portfolio can have a folder structure as you know from common package file formats (such as ZIP).
This demo shows you how to create folders in a PDF portfolio (aka PDF package or PDF Collection).

Note: The viewer application needs to support PDF packages. Otherwise you only see a simple empty page because this demo doesn't add any file to the portfolio.


// load and register the autoload function
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php';

// create a document as the cover sheet
$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('portfolio-with-folders.pdf');
$document = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document($writer);
// we leave it empty for demonstration purpose...

// create a collection instance
$collection = new \SetaPDF_Merger_Collection($document);

// thorugh the proxy method
$folderA = $collection->addFolder('Folder (A)');
// add more sub folders
$folderA->addFolder('Folder (AA)');
$folderA->addFolder('Folder (AB)')->addFolder('Folder (ABA)');
$folderA->addFolder('Folder (AC)')->addFolder('Folder (ACA)');

// through the root folder
$rootFolder = $collection->getRootFolder();
$folderB = $rootFolder->addFolder('Folder (B)');
// add more sub folders
$folderB->addFolder('Folder (BA)')->addFolder('Folder (BAA)');
$folderB->addFolder('Folder (BB)');
$folderB->addFolder('Folder (BC)');

// save and finish