Invoice Recipients and Numbers
This demo takes a bunch if invoices and extracts the address field and the invoice number. After that it groups the resolved information in an array by the invoice recipient.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; $files = glob($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/tektown/invoices/[0-9]*.pdf'); // prepare the resulting array $invoicesByCustomerName = []; foreach ($files AS $file) { // initiate a document instance $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($file); // initiate an extractor instance $extractor = new \SetaPDF_Extractor($document); // get the plain strategy shich is the default strategy $strategy = $extractor->getStrategy(); // define a rectangle filter for the invoice recipient name $recipientNameFilter = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Rectangle( new \SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle(40, 665, 260, 700), \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Rectangle::MODE_CONTACT, 'recipient' ); // define another rectangle filter for the invoice number $invoiceNofilter = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Rectangle( new \SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Rectangle(512, 520, 580, 540), \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Rectangle::MODE_CONTACT, 'invoiceNo' ); // pass the filters to the strategy by using a filter chain $strategy->setFilter(new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Multi([$recipientNameFilter, $invoiceNofilter])); // now walk through the pages and ... $pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages(); for ($pageNo = 1; $pageNo <= $pages->count(); $pageNo++) { // extract the content found by the specific filters. $result = $extractor->getResultByPageNumber($pageNo); $invoiceNo = $result['invoiceNo']; $recipient = $result['recipient']; // create single lines of the recipient $recipient = explode("\n", $recipient); // the name can be found in the first item $name = array_shift($recipient); // the optinal company name is left over $companyName = array_shift($recipient); // create a unique key $key = $name . '|' . $companyName; // save the name and company data and prepare the reuslt if (!isset($invoicesByCustomerName[$key])) { $invoicesByCustomerName[$key] = [ 'name' => $name, 'companyName' => $companyName, 'invoices' => [] ]; } // add the invoice and page number to the result $invoicesByCustomerName[$key]['invoices'][] = [ 'invoiceNo' => $invoiceNo, 'pageNo' => $pageNo, 'file' => $file ]; } // release memory $extractor->cleanUp(); $document->cleanUp(); } // output the resolved data: foreach ($invoicesByCustomerName AS $customerData) { echo '<h1>Customer: ' . htmlentities($customerData['name']) . ' / ' . htmlentities($customerData['companyName']) . '</h1>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach($customerData['invoices'] AS $invoice) { echo '<li>Invoice Number #' . htmlentities($invoice['invoiceNo']) . ' on page #' . $invoice['pageNo'] . ' in '; echo htmlspecialchars(substr($invoice['file'], strlen($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/'))); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; }