SetaPDF Demos

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Filter by Form Fields

This demo extracts data of various documents of flat PDF forms (non dynamic forms).

The field information are resolved by a real dynamic PDF form template (aka AcroForm).


// load and register the autoload function
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php';

// Let's load a template in which we'd drawn simple form fields to get the names and
// coordinates of the areas we want to extract
$template = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Subscription-tekMag-form-template.pdf');
$pages = $template->getCatalog()->getPages();

// group the found fields by pages
$fieldsPerPage = [];

for ($pageNo = 1, $pageCount = $pages->count(); $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) {
    $fieldsPerPage[$pageNo] = [];
    $page = $pages->getPage($pageNo);
    $annotations = $page->getAnnotations();

    // get all widget annotations
    $widgetAnnotations = $annotations->getAll(\SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation::TYPE_WIDGET);
    foreach ($widgetAnnotations AS $widgetAnnotation) {
        $fieldName = \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_AcroForm::resolveFieldName($widgetAnnotation->getDictionary());
        $fieldsPerPage[$pageNo][$fieldName] = $widgetAnnotation->getRect()->getRectangle();

// clean up
unset($page, $pages, $template);

// let's extract the data from these filese...
foreach ([
     $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/lenstown/Subscription-tekMag-filled-flat.pdf',
     $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/camtown/Subscription-tekMag-filled-flat.pdf',
     $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/etown/Subscription-tekMag-filled-flat.pdf',
] AS $path) {

    echo '<h1>' . htmlspecialchars(substr($path, strlen($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/'))) . '</h1>';

    // load the document
    $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path);

    // create a plain strategy
    $strategy = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Strategy_Plain();

    // create an extractor instance
    $extractor = new \SetaPDF_Extractor($document, $strategy);

    // iterate through the pages we want to extract data from.
    foreach ($fieldsPerPage AS $pageNo => $fields) {

        // define a multi filter
        $filter = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Multi();
        // create additional rectangle filters named by the found fields and ...
        foreach ($fields AS $name => $rect) {
            $fieldFilter = new \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Rectangle(
                $rect, \SetaPDF_Extractor_Filter_Rectangle::MODE_CONTACT, $name

            // ...pass them to the multi filter
        // set the filter

        // get the result
        $result = $extractor->getResultByPageNumber($pageNo);

        // clean up the result because the values lay on top of other text which needs to be removed
        $result = array_map(function ($s) {
            $s = str_replace("\xef\x82\xa8", '', $s);
            return trim($s, "\n.");
        }, $result);

        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";