Set Metadata
This demo sets the metadata of an existing PDF document. It also syncs the PDF metadata with the XMP metadata package and shows how you can pass custom metadata to a PDF document.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once '../../../../../bootstrap.php'; // prepare some files $files = [ $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/camtown/Terms-and-Conditions.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/etown/Laboratory-Report.pdf' ]; $path = displayFiles($files); // create a writer instance $writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('updated-metadata.pdf', true); // create a document instance $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path, $writer); // get the info helper object $info = $document->getInfo(); // we want to update the XMP metadata package automatically $info->setSyncMetadata(); // set some info properties $info->setTitle('Changed by SetaPDF'); $info->setSubject('Demo / Testing'); $info->setAuthor(''); $info->setProducer('SetaPDF-Producer'); $info->setCreator('SetaPDF-Creator'); $info->setKeywords('KeywordA, KeywordB, KeywordC, KeywordD, KeywordE'); // set custom metadata $info->setCustomMetadata('Data1', 'Document-Id: 1234'); $info->setCustomMetadata('Valid-Until', '2024-05-12'); // update the modification date $info->setModDate(new DateTime()); // you can also get access to the DOMDocument instance of the XMP package if you want to modify it directly: $xml = $info->getMetadata(); // $description = $xml->createElementNS('', 'Description'); // ... // $rdf = $xml->getElementsByTagName('RDF')->item(0); // $rdf->appendChild($description); // sync XMP metadata package $info->syncMetadata(); // output and finish the document $document->save()->finish();