SetaPDF Demos

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Annotation on Rotated or Shifted Page

A PDF page can be rotated or its boundary box can be shifted so that the origin will not be at the lower left.

This demo shows you how to calculate the coordinates for an annotation on a static position with an origin at the upper left.


use \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Stamp as StampAnnotation;

// load and register the autoload function
require_once '../../../../../bootstrap.php';

$pageConfigs = [
    ['0deg, A4', 0, \SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::A4],
    ['90deg, A4', 90, \SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::A4],
    ['180deg, A4', 180, \SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::A4],
    ['270deg, A4', 270, \SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::A4],
    ['0deg, [-100, -100, 350, 700]', 0, [-100, -100, 350, 700]],
    ['90deg, [-100, -200, 350, 800]', 90, [-100, -200, 350, 800]],
    ['180deg, [-100, -200, 350, 800]', 180, [-100, -200, 350, 800]],
    ['270deg, [-100, -200, 350, 800]', 270, [-100, -200, 350, 800]],
    ['0deg, [100, 100, 550, 900]', 0, [100, 100, 550, 900]],
    ['90deg, [100, 100, 550, 900]', 90, [100, 100, 550, 900]],
    ['180deg, [100, 100, 550, 900]', 180, [100, 100, 550, 900]],
    ['270deg, [100, 100, 550, 900]', 270, [100, 100, 550, 900]],
    ['0deg, [550, 900, 100, 100]', 0, [550, 900, 100, 100]],
    ['90deg, [350, 800, -100, -200]', 90, [350, 800, -100, -200]],

$pageConfig = displaySelect('Page rotation and format:', $pageConfigs);

$x = 20;
$yTop = 30; // let's take the upper left as the origin
$width = 180;
$rotation = $pageConfigs[$pageConfig][1];

$writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('rotated.pdf', true);
$document = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document($writer);

// let's create a dummy page with the expected format and rotation
$page = $document->getCatalog()->getPages()->create($pageConfigs[$pageConfig][2]);

// normally you will get the rotation value from an existing page:
$rotation = $page->getRotation();

// let's get an appearance by using a page of an existing PDF
$stampAppearances = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/stamps.pdf')
$height = $stampAppearances->getHeight($width);

// calculate the ordinate
$y = $page->getHeight() - $height - $yTop;

// depending on the rotation value we need to prepare a graphic state for the position on the page
$box = $page->getBoundary();

$pageGs = new \SetaPDF_Core_Canvas_GraphicState();
switch ($rotation) {
    case 90:
        $pageGs->translate($box->getWidth(), 0);
    case 180:
        $pageGs->translate($box->getWidth(), $box->getHeight());
    case 270:
        $pageGs->translate(0, $box->getHeight());

$pageGs->rotate($box->llx, $box->lly, $rotation);
$pageGs->translate($box->llx, $box->lly);

// let's create a helper function to translate coordinates into vectors by using the page graphic state
$f = static function($x, $y) use ($pageGs) {
    $v = new \SetaPDF_Core_Geometry_Vector($x, $y);
    return $v->multiply($pageGs->getCurrentTransformationMatrix());

$ll = $f($x, $y);
$ur = $f($x + $width, $y + $height);

$annotation = new StampAnnotation([$ll->getX(), $ll->getY(), $ur->getX(), $ur->getY()]);

// now we create a new form XObject where we draw the final appearance into
$appearance = \SetaPDF_Core_XObject_Form::create($document, [0, 0, $annotation->getWidth(), $annotation->getHeight()]);

$canvas = $appearance->getCanvas();
$canvas->normalizeRotationAndOrigin($rotation, $appearance->getBBox());
$stampAppearances->draw($canvas, 0, 0, $width, $height);

$annotation->setName(uniqid('', true));

