Add a JavaScript
This demo adds a JavaScript action at document level which is executed as soon as the document is opened by a viewer application (JavaScript support required).
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once '../../../../../bootstrap.php'; // prepare some files $files = [ $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Actions.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf', $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Fact-Sheet-form.pdf' ]; $path = displayFiles($files, false); // create a writer instance $writer = new \SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('AddJavaScript.pdf', false); // create a document instance $document = \SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path, $writer); // this is our JavaScript we want to inject - we check for an // existing JavaScript variable in the document to show some logic. $js = 'var msg = typeof(SetaPDF) != "undefined" ? SetaPDF : "Hello from SetaPDF!"; app.alert(msg);'; // create an action $jsAction = new \SetaPDF_Core_Document_Action_JavaScript($js); // get names $names = $document->getCatalog()->getNames(); // get the JavaScript name tree $javaScriptTree = $names->getTree(\SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Names::JAVA_SCRIPT, true); // make sure we've an unique name $name = 'SetaPDF'; $i = 0; while ($javaScriptTree->get($name . ' ' . ++$i) !== false); // add the JavaScript action to the document $javaScriptTree->add($name . ' ' . $i, $jsAction->getPdfValue()); // done! $document->save()->finish();