SetaPDF Demos

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Various demos showing things or solutions you can create with the SetaPDF-FormFiller component.

Get Field Names and Types

A simple demo that resolves field names and types.

Get Field Information

This demos shows various information of all found form fields.

Access Same Named Fields

This demo shows how to fill and access same named fields.

Flatten Fields

A simple demo that flattens a specific or all fields.

Fill Field With an Image or PDF Page

Use an image or a PDF page as a field appearance.

Individual Font and Color Space

Use an external TTF font and an individual color space.

Fill One Template Several Times

Iterate over data and fill a PDF form template several times.

Fill with Rich-Text Styling

Use a subset of HTML and CSS to style the fields content.

Show Field Positions in HTML

This demo translates the rectangle values of form field annotations to values you can use in HTML.